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Trustees May 08
Bolton Public Library
Board of Trustees
Meeting, April 7, 2008.
Nashoba Regional High School

6:00 p.m.
Present: Bob Zak, Chris Sterling
Also Present: Kelly Collins, Ann Hurd

Agenda Items:
The minutes of the April 7th, 2008 meeting were approved.

Director’s Report:
There was no director’s report.

Temporary Quarters:
Ann reported that Dr. Friedus’ lawyer requested that The Friends supplement the
Town’s insurance with “Fire Legal” insurance. This would be about $1000. There is also approximately 1200 square feet available for rent behind the Post Office, they would like$1,500 a month. Bob made a motion, seconded by Chris that the Trustees in conjunction with the Friends withdraw from the memo of understanding with Dr. Friedus. The motion was seconded by Chris and passed unanimously.
We will need to put more stuff into storage. Kelly will look into PODs and other forms of storage.

Request from Abutter:
There was a request from an abutter to mark the parking area for the next LCC meeting. Kelly suggested we paint rather than stake the parking lot. Bob made a motion seconded by Chris that we mark the parking area before the LCC meeting. The motion passed unanimously. Bob will contact the abutter to tell him DPW removed the stakes.

Use of Fax and Copier:
Bob made a motion, seconded by Chris, and passed unanimously that we amend the library’s policy to allow occasional use of the fax and copier for susage benefiting the library.

The next Trustees’ meeting will be on Monday, June 2nd at 6:00 at Town Hall.

Respectfully submitted, the Trustees,

Robert Zak                                  Roland Ochsenbein                     Christine Sterling